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The Impact of AI Email Marketing

The Impact of AI Email Marketing

When I first dipped my toes into email newsletters, I thought they were just a fancy way to send out promotions and updates. But, oh, how wrong I was! As someone who’s navigated the ups and downs of digital marketing, I’ve come to appreciate newsletters as much more than just an email blast. They’ve evolved into a powerful tool that can...

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bots clicking in emails - rasaio marketing blog

What are email click bots? Is your click data in danger?

It seems simple: you put together an email campaign, send it out, and watch the click data pour in. You can count on the fact that the click data you are watching and analyzing (aggregate counts, percentages, WHO is clicking, heatmaps, etc.) is representative of a...

How to Personalize Email Campaigns with Behavioral Marketing

Unopened emails? Low engagement? High bounce rates? Are your clients going cold on you? It might be time to revamp your email marketing personalization and spark a connection with subscribers. In 2024, people expect personalized communication from businesses. And...

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Join the other 12,000+ professionals who are getting weekly marketing insights from rasa.io and see what this whole smart newsletter thing is all about. Take a look at our newsletter archives.

Pushing Send the Podcast

Create, curate, and send your newsletter in hours minutes. seconds.

  • Personalized member experience.
  • Automate your email newsletter.
  • Save time curating content.
  • Easy-to-use AI.

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