Your Customers Get One, How About Sending A Company Newsletter for Your Employees, Too?


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One of the best ways to engage with your audience, whether they are customers or not, is to send them a consistent (and high-quality) email newsletter. This works to build brand recognition and trust, but also keeps your company at the forefront of your audience’s mind.

But who else needs to stay up to date on your company?

Your employees, duh.

We introduce to you: The internal company newsletter.

You want your audience to follow you, but you also want your team to know, and understand where the business is at.

Maintaining an internal newsletter provides a variety of benefits that only a newsletter can, particularly (not exclusively), for large organizations.

So read on to learn the reasons why you should send a company employee newsletter, as well as our list of over 15 ideas for newsletter content.

Benefit #1 – Strong Company Culture

Company culture is kind of like the personality of the company.

Having a robust and positive company culture is crucial to growing (and keeping) a team that’s collaborative, dedicated, and motivated.

Improving and maintaining your company culture is becoming more and more important every day. It shows your employees you care about them and have their best interests at heart.

While company culture takes time to build, modify and enact, an internal employee newsletter is a great way to get (or keep) the ball rolling.

An internal newsletter provides:

  • Regular opportunities to reinforce your company’s personality
  • Easy insight into your cooperative and friendly work environment
  • The ability to reflect on the values you strive to uphold as a team

Use your internal company newsletter as a creative way to send your employees content they can relate to and will love. These little things can make it all the more enjoyable to be a member of your team.

Benefit #2 – Employee Engagement

The goal of any newsletter, regardless of who it is for, is to drive engagement with the content you are sharing. The newsletter for your employees should have content that they’re going to really want to engage with, not just another email to archive without reading.

There are so many fun ways to do this.

Keeping your employees engaged in the company is the difference between unhappy drones, counting down the minutes to 5 pm, and a passionate team all personally invested in the success of your company, non profit, or organization. 

Benefit #3 – Celebrate Milestones

All companies have goals and objectives they’re trying to achieve. Might be a certain number of sales meetings, increasing community engagement, turning up website traffic, or just plain old profits.

Be it weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly – you are constantly striving to meet whatever your company’s goals are.

Managers, higher-ups, and executives in your company might be routinely kept up to date on these goals, but it is fair to say that not everyone in the company is.

Adding reports of milestone status, achieved or still in progress, is a great way to involve your entire team in the plan. It increases company transparency and brings your employees into the fold.

17 Ideas to Spruce Up Your Internal Company Newsletter

We’ve listed three of the benefits of an internal company newsletter. However, creating that internal newsletter comes with the same strain as your client-facing newsletter: content. Strategizing on how to make your engaging newsletter enjoyable is and should be the main focus of your internal newsletter.

Here are 16 content ideas for your internal employee newsletter to garner more engagement from your team:

  1. New Hire Spotlights: Introduce your new hires to make them feel welcome. This is a double whammy because it also gives the rest of your team the opportunity to hear a little more about the new employee before they meet them. Work can get busy, and new hires deserve to feel comfortable and welcome in their new environment.
  2. Birthday Wishes: Nobody wants to be forgotten on their birthday. By reminding your team about employee birthdays, you create an opportunity for team members to feel appreciated on their big day (don’t forget the cake).
  3. Work Anniversaries: Celebrating your employee’s anniversaries at your company is a great way of saying thanks and showing your appreciation for all they have done for the team in their time there. Share stories about the employee to show they’re more than just one of the many. Anniversaries are another great excuse to eat cake.
  4. Employee News: Whether someone closes on a new house, is looking for a babysitter recommendation, or wants to share some other news – give their news a place to shine in the company newsletter.
  5. Employee Spotlight: Everybody likes to be recognized for their good work. Employee recognition is a great way to keep employee morale on the rise. Or, if you have a big company, do a team spotlight instead.
  6. Contests: Creating contests for your team is a unique way of combining fun and friendly competition in the workplace. Also, who doesn’t love a good giveaway? You could give away a cake! (Okay, too many mentions of cake, I get it.)
  7. Internal and External Events: Sharing upcoming events with your team demonstrates how much you want them around and appreciate their presence. This is a great way to tell your employees that value your relationship between the 9 to 5 workday AND outside those hours. Whether it’s an internal webinar where they can support another teammate as a presenter, a company event, or a football game happy hour at a local pub – invite them!
  8. Industry News: Your staff may be impacted by changes in your industry, so make sure to share relevant content and relevant content as they come out.
  9. Messages Directly from the Executive Team: Messages from leadership are important for camaraderie and increase transparency around the workplace.
  10. Jazz up your subject line: Catch your employees attention with an eye-catchy subject line. Add an emoji. Personalize it with their names. Overall, just have a little fun with it – and test, test, and test.
  11. Company News: Share internal news with the whole team. Updates on the company goals, new requirements from human resources, updates from different teams – share it all!
  12. Professional Development: Consider including articles from sources like Glassdoor that encourage your employees to grow professionally. Invest in your employees’ development.
  13. Workplace Advice: Sometimes people can get into a rut and not know the best ways to move forward. Senior members of your company may have great advice on how to overcome difficult situations. It doesn’t have to be an essay, just ask for a one or two-sentence quote.
  14. Job Postings for Upward Mobility: By posting jobs in the company, you show your team you believe in their futures. It encourages them to step up to the plate and become more involved members of your company.
  15. Employee Recommendations: These recommendations can be anything from places to eat around town, fun things to do or even tips on how to be more efficient at work. The possibilities are endless. Include surveys in your newsletter to gather content.
  16. Social Media Channels: Occasionally remind your employees to not only follow but engage with, your social media channels and posts.
  17. Team Wins: Celebrating successes is a huge team-building opportunity. Make sure your team knows about the wins, and celebrate accordingly. If you’ve got a slack workspace, we suggest setting up a #wins channel. It always feels good to meet and celebrate goals together.


Bring Your Newsletter Ideas to Life

We have given you and your marketing team a lot of ideas for how to put together your new employee newsletter.

DON’T FREAK OUT (email anxiety solutions right here).

We want to make your life even easier.

Our ultra-easy, super-automatic, newsletter builder is going to save you a crazy amount of time and effort. And increase engagement (whether it’s your employee or customer-facing newsletter).

Our users love to brag about the growth of their businesses.

Start seeing better results by sending better emails.

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